Maja Hård af Segerstad is studying to be a midwife in Gothenburg and she has recently gained a detailed insight into two of the roles in the maternity ward.

She has just given birth at the maternity ward where she did her internship.

- I do not think that my fears before the birth were any exception from the other women feel when they hear about staff shortages and the situation that prevails in our maternity wards.

Letter to maternity wards

The midwifery students have written letters to the maternity wards in the region and to the Minister of Social Affairs, Lena Hallengren.

The letter contains 12 points that they believe should be fulfilled before accepting an employment at the birth.

The core of #bmstudentuppror as the uprising is called is that there are too few midwives who take care of too many births.

- I think it is a system error, there are no midwives who want to work under the prevailing working conditions, says Maja Hård af Segerstad