There are many good reasons why you should avoid wearing your new clothes immediately upon purchase.

This may seem counterintuitive, but new clothes aren't as clean as you think.

In this report, published by the French magazine "Saint-Blus", the writer Lawrence Wakinen touched on the reasons why new clothes should be washed before wearing them.

The writer stated that when we finish shopping, we tend to try our new purchases immediately upon returning home, but we must wash these clothes before wearing them because they may be covered with harmful chemicals.

Why do new clothes need washing?

When buying clothes, the first thing you think about is wearing them right away without washing them because they are new, and you might think that in the worst case, maybe a few people have tried them before you buy them.

Don't be so sure, because a single piece of clothing has probably been tried on by at least 10 or more people before you.

When people try on clothes in the changing rooms of stores before buying them, they can leave germs and bacteria on them.

Microbiologist Dr. Philip Tierno - whose research was published in the "Half Post" magazine - stated that he found noroviruses and bacteria such as staphylococcus and even feces on the fabrics of new clothes.

Although the presence of pathogens on the fabrics of new clothes rarely causes serious infections, it is best to be careful and wash your clothes before wearing them and immediately after purchasing them.

And the writer mentioned that these bacteria and microbes can live in cotton for up to 6 months, and even if it seems to you that the piece of clothing is new and clean, do not forget that it also contains remnants of chemicals or toxic substances that were used in the manufacturing process.

You may have already noticed that new clothes have a strange smell;

This smell is caused by products that you spray on clothes before showing them in stores to make them look more shiny and streamlined.

For example, cotton clothes often contain dye residues that can cause allergic reactions.

Some of these skin-irritating chemicals are banned in Europe, but may be present in imported clothing.

When washing your new clothes, it is recommended to use fabric softener and a detergent that does not contain dyes or perfumes (Pixels).

The dangers of wearing new clothes without washing them

According to HuffPost, dermatologists have noticed allergic reactions to a chemical used to prevent wrinkles in clothing called formaldehyde, which has been shown to irritate the skin, and the chemicals used in the clothing industry also cause contact dermatitis.

According to what was reported by "Femina" magazine, dermatologist Donald Pilsito explained that wearing new clothes before washing them may cause lice, fungi and scabies, in addition to exposure to chemicals that irritate the skin.

Some synthetic textiles such as polyester can itch if you don't wash them before wearing them, especially if you have sensitive skin.

When washing your new clothes, it is recommended to use fabric softener and a detergent that does not contain dyes or perfumes. You can make natural fabric softener using simple products such as baking soda or white vinegar.

If you must wash delicate fabrics, such as silk, wash them by hand to avoid damaging them, and use a gentle soap on the fabrics.