Extinction Rebellion Sweden says that the purpose of today's actions was to draw attention to their message and to shift the current conversation to the need for more radical measures against the climate.

- We believe that it is okay to use peaceful civil disobedience, says press contact Mathilda von Schantz.

Causes to go?

What is the difference between what you do and domestic terrorism?

- The difference is that we do not use force and do not harm anyone and that we would never do it, and that we convey the message over and over again in these actions, that it is peaceful and it is about wanting to convey our message about the climate crisis .

Among other things, SVT has had contact with a source who works at one of the airports who believes that your action has endangered other people.

How do you look at it?

- It is of course very unfortunate and that is not our intention at all, but we have really prepared for security and to be as peaceful as possible.

Aviation safety expert Hans Kjäll believes that these types of actions are problematic.

- You do not have control over the safety situation when you go out in the traffic area.

On the one hand, an activist like this can be run over.

But there can also be damage to the aircraft which, in the worst case, causes it to crash.

"Constitutes a threat"

How serious is it that you should rate it?

- It is difficult to rate it at the moment, but that it is a threat, that thing is clear.

But can not ignore that such things are serious.

For example, there are measures that prevent animals from entering the track.

But these are people who think for themselves and who enter the path consciously.

- The plane is in such a position that if you are in the take-off phase, you can possibly run over that poor activist.

But you also risk damaging the aircraft so severely that you may have to make an emergency landing and cause a crash and risk their lives on board.