Xinhuanet Pan Zidi

[While learning is in progress] Recently, the overall deployment of carbon peak carbon neutrality was unveiled at the central level.

Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core after careful consideration. It is related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

In order to achieve this goal, Xi Jinping put forward a series of requirements.

Xinhua News Agency's "Learning in Progress" original brand column "Workshop" published articles for you to interpret.

  Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council announced a heavyweight document-"Opinions on the Complete, Accurate and Comprehensive Implementation of the New Development Concept to Do a Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality."

  The "Opinions" conduct systematic planning and overall deployment of the major work of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.

It plays a leading role as the "1" in the carbon peak carbon neutral "1+N" policy system.

  Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core after careful consideration. It is related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Solemn promise

  China has always been a practitioner of ecological civilization and an activist in global climate governance.

On multiple diplomatic occasions, Xi Jinping explained China's strong determination to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutral goals.

  In September last year, President Xi Jinping announced at the general debate of the 75th United Nations General Assembly: The Paris Agreement to address climate change represents the general direction of the global green and low-carbon transition, and is the minimum action required to protect the earth’s homeland. A decisive step must be taken.

China will increase its national independent contribution, adopt more powerful policies and measures, strive to reach the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.

In the same month, Xi Jinping reiterated at the United Nations Biodiversity Summit that China will peak its carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and strive to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060.

  "China is willing to assume international responsibilities commensurate with its own level of development, and continue to work hard to address climate change." In November 2020, Xi Jinping said at the twelfth meeting of the BRICS leaders, "China will increase national autonomy. Make contributions, adopt more powerful policies and measures, strive to reach the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. We will do what we say!” The leaders of the Group of Twenty will be held a few days later. At the side meeting on the theme of “Guarding the Earth” of the Riyadh Summit, Xi Jinping pointed out when talking about achieving the carbon peak and carbon neutral goals, China must do what it says and will unswervingly implement it.

  "To achieve this goal, China needs to make extremely arduous efforts. We believe that as long as it is good for all mankind, China should be obliged to do it and do it well." In January this year, Xi Jinping presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos. "Agenda" said in a special speech at the dialogue meeting.

  The solemn commitment and firm attitude demonstrate China's image as a responsible major country and demonstrate China's strong determination to tackle climate change.

Layers of deployment

  Xi Jinping emphasized that achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a broad and profound economic and social systemic change.

  At present, China's economic development and people's livelihood improvement tasks are still very heavy, and energy consumption will continue to grow rigidly.

Compared with developed countries, the time window from carbon peak to carbon neutrality is tight and China faces unprecedented difficulties and challenges.

But China is determined and more action.

  In order to achieve the goal of achieving carbon peaks and carbon neutrality as scheduled, Xi Jinping has deployed layer by layer.

  In December 2020, at the Climate Ambition Summit, Xi Jinping announced a series of new measures to increase the intensity of nationally determined contributions: By 2030, China’s carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will drop by more than 65% from 2005, and non-fossil energy will account for primary energy. The proportion of consumption will reach about 25%, the forest stock will increase by 6 billion cubic meters over 2005, and the total installed capacity of wind power and solar power will reach 1.2 billion kilowatts or more.

  The 2020 Central Economic Work Conference clearly listed carbon peaking and carbon neutrality as one of the eight key tasks this year.

  In March this year, Xi Jinping pointed out at the ninth meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee that carbon peaking and carbon neutrality should be incorporated into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction.

In May, the central level established the Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Leading Group.

In accordance with the unified deployment, we are accelerating the establishment of the "1+N" policy system, and establishing the "four beams and eight pillars" of carbon peak carbon neutrality......

  General Secretary Xi Jinping clarified the direction and outlined the blueprint for achieving the carbon peak and carbon neutral goals.

Precise policy

  China has a vast territory, and there are differences in the economic and social development of various regions.

Xi Jinping implemented precise policies in response to the actual conditions in different regions.

  In March of this year, Xi Jinping pointed out during an inspection in Fujian that carbon peaking and carbon neutrality should be included in the construction of an ecological province, and a scientific timetable and road map should be formulated to build a modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously.

  In April, during a survey in Guangxi, he emphasized that we must continue to fight pollution prevention and control, incorporate carbon peaking and carbon neutrality into the overall layout of economic and social development and ecological civilization construction, establish and improve the economic system of green and low-carbon circular development, and promote Comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

  In September, in Yulin, Shaanxi, he put forward requirements for the specific local conditions. As the main energy source of our country, coal, as the main energy source of our country, should follow the development direction of green and low carbon, benchmarking to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, based on national conditions, and control the total amount. , Hold the bottom line, orderly reduce and replace, and promote the transformation and upgrading of coal consumption.

  Xi Jinping urged party committees and governments at all levels to show the strength of grasping the iron and leaving the mark, clarify timetables, road maps, and construction drawings, and promote economic and social development based on the efficient use of resources and green and low-carbon development. superior.


  Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a tough battle and a big test of our party's ability to govern the country.

We believe that China will be able to win this tough battle and deliver a perfect answer to the world.