"When President Xi Jinping communicates with others

Very approachable"

"I read Chairman Xi Jinping's book

The content is very deep

The most mentioned word in the book is innovation"

"Chairman Xi's very long-term strategic vision

He can hit the point and the key every time."

This is the former prime minister of France

Xi Jinping in the eyes of Raffarin

  Director System|Li Ting

  Producer|Qian Wei

  Chief Producer|Geng Zhimin

  Chief Editor|Ma Lijun

  Choreographer|Guo Zhide

  Editing|Guo Zhide

  Visual Director|Li Nanxing Zhang Jun

  Toning|Wang Hao

  Sound Editing|Zhao Ziyan and Ma Siyao

  Information|Liu Xiao

  Coordination|Yang Bo