Barbed wire, fences and bridges over the beach have over the years made it difficult for visitors to get along Torö pebble beach.

Together with signs about private land and home peace zone, it is unclear to many what applies.

Especially as some parts of the beach are part of the Ören nature reserve - while other parts belong to private property owners.

Landowners have received letters from the municipality

The municipality is now working on developing new regulations for the reserve and the beach.

Last summer, the municipality sent out letters to certain property owners.

- Where we clearly see that delimitations have been made that do not comply with beach protection and other rules, we have asked the property owners to take measures, says Maria Gard Günster (C), chairman of Nynäshamn's community building committee.

But not all property owners share the municipality's view, hear more about it in the clip above - where you can also see what it looked like on the beach 16 years ago.