A statement by the chairman of the East Asia Summit, in which the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Japan, the United States, and China participated, was announced, and the content to encourage self-restraint in activities to raise tensions on the issue of the South China Sea was included.

It seems to reflect the concerns raised by ASEAN member countries in the deepening conflict between the United States and China.

The East Asia Summit was held online on the 27th, and the Chair's statement was released on the night of the 28th.

Of these, regarding the issue of the South China Sea, where China is strengthening its expansion, a strong expression of "serious concern" was included, saying that "multiple leaders have expressed concern about activities that increase tensions in the region and impair peace and stability." It has become a backward expression from last year.

On the other hand, the statement emphasizes the importance of avoiding military activities and refraining from activities that complicate the situation or increase tensions, including not only the claimants but also other countries. The wording was also included.

Among the ASEAN member countries, not only China is moving to become a military base, but also the United States is working with its allies to create a new security framework and to move forward as a siege of China, and the conflict between the two countries is deepening. Concerns have been raised and the statement appears to reflect these concerns.

He also expressed concern about the ongoing casualties and violence over the situation in Myanmar, and agreed at the summit meeting in April, including the acceptance of a special envoy of ASEAN to mediate the military and pro-democracy. Regarding the item, "We welcome the continuous support from countries outside the ASEAN region for prompt and complete realization."