
October 26, 2021 "For those who have done Johnson & Johnson, a recall will be needed in a very short time: six months after vaccination we will begin to proceed, taking into account the age, but probably a third dose will be necessary for everyone".

The undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Pierpaolo Sileri says this on Radio Capital. 

"Within the year - adds Sileri - we will proceed with the third dose for the elderly and healthcare personnel, then from January the rest of the population, staggered according to when the first and second dose was administered. Aifa can accelerate this. path, but a shared choice of all Europe is desirable: there is a boom of infections in some European countries, even if they may seem distant countries, the risk is there for us too, because with the increase in cases the risk increases that new variants spread ".

Green pass

The obligatory green pass "we will remove it - continues the undersecretary - but not now. We must proceed step by step. First we will remove the obligation of the spacing, then the masks and finally the green pass. The obligatory vaccine would not be needed, it will not convince the no vax to get vaccinated ".

Sileri also hopes for a vaccine to protect children from Covid: "It will depend on the regulatory bodies, but I would certainly do it to my son".