- The dogs here come from Säter, Gagnef, Djurås and Falun, among others, says Björn Högberg who is the director of the dog daycare.

They have received dogs for seven years and also offer to go home and walk the dogs, now there has been an increased demand for both services.

The dog daycare has also recently expanded.

- We have had room for about 30 dogs, now we will have room for another ten more.

Many puppies in kindergarten

That it has been popular to buy a dog during the pandemic is noticeable not only in the number of dogs in kindergarten, but also in which dogs come.

- There are a lot of puppies, we have never had so many puppies in this kindergarten.

SVT Dalarna has also been in contact with other dog daycare centers around the county, several of them are noticing an increased demand now.