On the first evening of the All Saints holidays, the Gare de Lyon in Paris was being evacuated on Friday due to "abandoned luggage" which required intervention and the establishment of a security perimeter, SNCF said. to AFP.

Impressive evacuation of the Gare de Lyon in progress pic.twitter.com/VAovcnkWTv

- eric bombardi (@ pascal_paoli20) October 22, 2021

The intervention was still underway at around 7.15 p.m. and it was too early to assess the impact of this incident on rail traffic, according to SNCF.


Marseille: Saint-Charles station evacuated after the discovery of three suspicious packages


Alsace: Suspected of holding explosives, a couple deprived of a plane and vacation

  • TGV

  • School vacation

  • Suspicious package

  • Lyon station

  • Paris