
October 22, 2021 The early morning evacuation, military personnel and brigade entered a residential complex of almost 3 thousand square meters located in via Caldopiano, on the outskirts of the capital, inside: 2 single-family houses and a semi-detached house, attributable to the clan of Caramonica.

The staff of the Confiscated Property Agency and of the State Property Agency are also on site, and once they have taken possession of the real estate, they will give them to the Carabinieri for use.

The operation was triggered after careful planning decided within the provincial committee for public order and safety chaired by the prefect of Rome. Upon arrival of the military, two families were found inside that cannot be traced back to the clan. Social services have been activated to look after some of the untitled occupants.

"Great satisfaction for this morning's eviction operation" - so the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese - "conducted by the National Agency for the Administration and the destination of assets seized and confiscated from organized crime and from the Prefecture of Rome, which led to the release of a large property complex confiscated and attributable to the criminal association of the Casamonica ".