• Draft budget document: the framework of the 23.4 billion maneuver

  • Budget: the CDM approves the planning document, a maneuver worth 23 billion, equal to 1.2% of GDP


21 October 2021 The sending to the EU - and for information to the Parliament - of the Draft Budgetary Document (Dpb), reveals to the majority and the social partners the contours of a budget law worth at least 23 billion (there are 23.4 billion in deficit): among the most conspicuous items, in addition to the 8 billion for the tax authorities, there are the 4.1 billion that go to healthcare, of which 2 for the purchase of vaccines and medicines for Covid and 2 billion against the expensive bills . The room for maneuver is enormous, but so are the appetites.

Therefore Mario Draghi, in Parliament for an information on the EU Council, is overwhelmed with requests to expand the Superbonus to 110%. More funds to cut taxes, at the expense of income, asks Matteo Salvini on behalf of the center-right. Do not "debase" the income, warns Beppe Grillo. But perhaps the most difficult negotiations, even with the social partners, are those that are announced on the mechanism that will replace the 100 quota for pensions and on the reform of social safety nets. The Council of Ministers on the budget law should be convened next week, which will probably be preceded by new meetings with the majority heads of delegation and with the trade unions.

The thorny issue is how to exceed 100, the early retirement mechanism that even the OECD rejects because it is not sustainable, ensuring that the "transition to the ordinary regime is gradual and balanced". The proposal on the table is "quota 102" in 2022 and "quota 104" in 2023. But a system articulated over several years is also not excluded. The League, which has recorded its dissent in the CDM, aims to obtain the widest possible mechanism, protecting certain categories such as precocious workers and SMEs. The Democratic Party with the Minister Andrea Orlando asks to protect the "usuranti" and women (so far the Woman Option has also been skipped, while the social Ape seems to be confirmed). The government does not close to mechanisms other than the one identified, on one condition: that they are sustainable.In the Dpb 600 million are allocated in deficit for next year, but the unions are asking for more: an organic reform. "Quota 102 is a bit of a mockery: we have proposed a real reform of the system and this is not", says Maurizio Landini of the CGIL. For the CISL the mechanism identified is "unacceptable", for the UIL "it is a joke". While waiting to open the table on tax cuts, to understand how to cut the tax wedge, whether to affect IRPEF or contributions, whether to touch IRAP (the government would have strong doubts), the parties are concentrating on building bonuses. Minister Pd Dario Franceschini fights against the elimination of the 90% incentive to redo the facades. The M5s is beating the barricades for "its" Superbonus at 110%.The measure - although not mentioned in the Dpb - is destined to be confirmed until 2023, but only for condominiums. Minister Stefano Patuanelli insists that it be extended to at least the whole of 2022 also to villas. "The government does more", insists Giuseppe Conte. The small municipalities also insist, with Antonio Decaro. We will see. Certainly, however, the percentage of reimbursement should gradually decrease, to 70% in 2024 and to 65% in 2025, according to the hypotheses. Draghi postpones the requests that assail him in Parliament to the appropriate table: "let's talk about it in maneuver". But he returns to insist on the issues of ecological and digital transition and on active labor policies, on the public and private front, to prevent unemployment from becoming "chronic" while the world of work changes characteristics. AND'one of the issues that intersects the Citizenship Income, which should see more stringent controls and the introduction of a decalage mechanism after the rejection of the second job offer (but the M5s asks that the amount only decrease by 1%). The M5s marks its trench, with Grillo's request not to downsize the measure, the center-right will try to reduce resources (8.8 billion of which 800 million additional). As for the reform of social safety nets, 3 billion are now planned, but Orlando assures that there will be sufficient resources to cover the cig for everyone. The issue - raised by small businesses and the Lega - is how to reduce the cost for the small ones and how to intersect the reform with Naspi. Finally, there is still no trace of the cashback: Conte is waiting to understand if and how his size will be renewed,now suspended. While there will be six more months for incentives for banking aggregations, with the DTAs of the "MPS standard".