
by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea

20 October 2021The trial of first instance against 12 members of Juventus' organized supporters ended with six convictions and six acquittals in the Court in Turin.   

The highest sentence was for Gerardo Mocciola, also called Dino, sentenced to 4 years and 10 months of imprisonment and to 5 years of Daspo.

Legendary figure in the world of the ultras, Mocciola was the center of the "Last Banner" operation, from which today's sentence originates.

Salvatore Cava was sentenced to 2 years and 4 months, Domenico Scarano 3 years and 3 months, Sergio Genre 2 years and 6 months, all belonging to the «Drughi». On the other hand, Fabio D'Alonzo, of the same ultra group, was acquitted. Sentences also for the leader of Tradition, Umberto Toia, to one year and 6 months, for the representative of «Quelli di via Filadelfia», Beppe Franzo, 1 year and 2 months.

This is one of the first times that the criminal association against an organized group of fans is recognized.

Juventus and some Juventus executives who have filed a civil action have obtained the right to compensation and provisional provisions which in total amount to 53 thousand euros. 

According to the Prosecutor's Office, on the basis of the investigations carried out by the Digos of Turin, coordinated by the public prosecutor Chiara Maina, in the 2018/19 season the organized Juventus supporters exerted illicit pressure on Juventus in order not to lose a series of benefits and concessions.

The prosecutor had asked for heavier sentences for the defendants, in particular for Mocciola more than 13 years of imprisonment had been requested, but the judges have retrained many of the charges from extortion to attempted extortion.

In addition, the Daspo measure from 2 to 5 years was imposed for the six fans sentenced in Turin at the end of the Last Banner trial.

In particular, for Gerardo Mocciola, Salvatore Cava, Domenico Scarano and Sergio Genre, a 5-year ban on access to Italian and foreign sports facilities was decided.

Two years of Daspo, has been set instead, for Umberto Toia and Giuseppe Franzo.