Many people face very serious health conditions such as heart attacks or dangerously high cholesterol levels.

The risk of these conditions can be greatly reduced, often depending on the food you eat.

Writer Jessica Nippes, in her report published by the British newspaper "Daily Express", said that some foods are rich in vitamins and minerals and are very beneficial, and according to a study, a type of fruit is useful in lowering cholesterol and thus protecting the heart.

This fruit is strawberry.

According to a study published in the journal Nutrients, adding strawberries to diets reduces heart disease risk factors in adults who are obese or have a high level of low-density lipoprotein known as bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).

The author stated that low-density lipoprotein cholesterol - a major risk factor for heart problems - is a waxy substance that can cause your arteries to clog and deprive your heart of oxygen.

Two and a half servings

In the trial, 33 adults received a daily amount of strawberry powder equivalent to one or two and a half servings of strawberries.

One strawberry share is equivalent to 7 grains of it.

At the end of the trial, the equivalent of two and a half daily servings of strawberries was found to significantly reduce heart disease risk in this 'at-risk' group when compared to a control group, mainly by improving insulin resistance and lipid particle strength.

Commenting on the findings, Dr Emma Derbyshire, Public Health Dietitian and Consultant at British Summer Fruits, said: “These are really interesting findings. Currently around 7.6 million people in the UK suffer from cardiovascular disease. We are We know that healthy living, which includes healthy eating, can help reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent weight gain and lower the risk of diabetes."

The author added that studies indicate that strawberries may prevent some types of cancer.

The protective effect is thought to be due to a combination of antioxidants known as polyphenols, which appear to stop the growth of cancer cells, according to animal studies.

Strawberries are also rich in vitamins and fiber, and are a food that is free of sodium, fat, cholesterol and low in calories.