• WHO, Ghebreyesus: "The vaccine crisis is a scandalous injustice", 75% doses in just 10 countries

  • Covid-19, Draghi: "Research gives a way out with unprecedented speed. Resources Recovery for NHS"

  • Mattarella;

    "Supporting the research will win over the pandemic"


October 18, 2021 "Science must be shared", "science, not just the products of science which, if offered alone, remain patches capable of stopping evil but not of healing it in depth. This is true for example for vaccines: it is urgent to help the countries that have less, but we must do it with far-sighted plans, not motivated only by the haste of wealthy nations to be safer ". 

Pope Francis says this when he receives the members of the foundation of the Campus Bio-medico di Roma. "The remedies - he stresses - must be distributed with dignity, not as merciful alms. Science and its integral application must be promoted".

 "Putting personal care at the center - continued Pope Francis -, without forgetting the importance of science and research. Because care without science is useless, just as science without care is sterile. The two things go together, and only together do they make medicine an art, an art that involves head and heart ". 

"Dear friends - he then addressed the members of the Biomedical University Foundation of the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome -, thank you because you favor a human development of research. opportunities for earning there are the needs of the sick. They are constantly evolving and it is therefore necessary to prepare to face ever new pathologies and discomforts. I have in mind, among others, those of many elderly people and those related to rare diseases ". 

"In addition to promoting research - he continued -, you help those who do not have the economic means to support university expenses and face significant costs that the ordinary budget cannot bear. I am thinking in particular of the commitment already made for the Covid center, for the first aid and for the recent reality of hospice. All this is very good, it is nice to face greater urgencies with ever greater openings. And it is important to do it together ". "I underline - he added - this simple and at the same time difficult word to live: together. The pandemic has shown us the importance of connecting, of collaborating, of tackling common problems together. Healthcare, especially Catholic, has and will always more need for this, to be on the net It is no longer time to follow one's own charism in an isolated way.Charity requires a gift: knowledge must be shared, competence must be shared, science must be shared ".