According to a survey by the Swedish Public Health Agency, 9.4 percent of Sweden's male population has ever bought sex and it is predominantly women who are used in the sex trade, but also many men.

According to the campaign, many sex buyers live in relationships, have children and regular jobs.

- In our campaign, we want to show that regardless of who the sex buyer is, he contributes to creating a sex trade with physical and psychological violence, drug abuse and exclusion and that buying sex is a crime.

The campaign also highlights the fact that it is always the one who is used in the sex trade who pays the highest price, says Johan Landstedt, development manager at the County Administrative Board of Östergötland in a press release.

The campaign is spread on social media and on digital screens in the participating counties of Östergötland, Jönköping and Sörmland.

In the clip below, Simon Häggström, who is a police officer specializing in prostitution, goes through the most common myths about buying sex.

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Three myths about prostitution Photo: SVT / Tomas Oneborg / SvD / TT