With the traffic light coalition comes the legalization of cannabis very likely.

For the cannabis lobby, which has been loudly calling for approval in Germany for years and is only too happy to silence warning voices with "shitstorms", the long-awaited dream is now coming true: free smoking weed in Germany.

The advocates argue, among other things, that legalization would relieve the burden on the police and courts, and would no longer criminalize people who use cannabis for pain.

In addition, the fight against cannabis is lost.

What is not often said with all this: Cannabis is a dangerous drug.

It is a poison that often has fatal consequences for young people.

Anyone who advocates the release is playing down this poison.

It doesn't help if you limit the release to adults.

Because it is obvious that minors will use cannabis even more frequently in the future if adults show them that the drug is not that bad, but belongs with it like a glass of wine at the weekend.

So instead of thinking about making smoking weed normal, the question that should be asked is how its use can be curbed.

Certainly not with legalization.

It just does the opposite and makes even more people dependent.