In Britain, how to protect the democratic practice of having a direct dialogue with voters while ensuring the safety of politicians after a lawmaker who was attending a meeting to talk with voters died after being stabbed by a man. There is a big debate about how to go.

Congressman David Ames of the ruling Conservative Party, who was attending a meeting to talk with voters in Essex, southeastern England, was stabbed to death by a man and a 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder. rice field.

Members of the House of Representatives of the United Kingdom gathered on the 18th to commemorate Congressman Ames with a silent memorial service.

In the United Kingdom, it is common for lawmakers to meet regularly with voters in their local constituencies, which has been valued as a practice of democracy.

"It was a great tradition in Britain that voters were free to meet with their chosen members," Johnson said in parliament, demonstrating his personality and achievements.

In the United Kingdom, in 2016, before a referendum asking for the approval or disapproval of withdrawal from the EU = European Union, a Labor Party member of the House of Representatives was shot dead by a gun, ensuring the safety of politicians. At the same time, there is a big debate about how to protect the practice of democracy, which is to have a direct dialogue with voters.