• Gb, deputy Amess stabbed to death

  • Britain, stabbed and killed Conservative MP David Amess


October 16, 2021: An official investigation for terrorism in the case of the heinous murder of Tory MP David Amess, stabbed to death yesterday while meeting with voters in a Methodist church in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.

Investigators indicated "potential reasons linked to Islamic extremism".

A 25-year-old British of Somali descent was arrested: according to Guardian sources, he was previously reported as an individual at risk of radicalization in the Prevent program, which monitors people capable of committing serious terrorist offenses.

The police believe that he acted alone and have made it known that he is not looking for accomplices; two houses were searched in London.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson went to the place where the deputy was killed. With a bouquet of white flowers in hand, the Downing Street chief visited the Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, accompanied by Interior Minister Priti Patel and Labor leader Keir Starmer. 

The Minister of the Interior, Prati Patel, has ordered to "review the security of parliamentarians", who have denounced an increase in aggressive language and attacks in recent times. A condition that Amess himself stressed in his book published last year: "These escalating attacks have ruined the great British tradition of the people openly meeting their elected politicians."

Messages of condolence came from colleagues and also from abroad;

particularly shocked was Jo Cox's sister, Kim Leadbeater, who became an MP last July in the constituency of her Labor sister killed by a right-wing extremist in 2016. "I am totally shocked by what happened, to think that something so horrible it can happen again to another parliamentarian, to another family, "he commented.