The department said that the riots were provoked by two convicts from the punishment cell during planned searches.

“These convicts made an attempt to destabilize the work of the correctional institution and called on other convicts to organize riots.

Having succumbed to the provocation, other convicts perpetrated a pogrom of equipment, began to break local fences in the residential area, disabled video cameras, ”the message says.

It is noted that the leadership of the regional Federal Penitentiary Service, officers of supervisory and law enforcement agencies and the human rights ombudsman in the region arrived at the place of the emergency.

“At present, measures are being taken to stabilize the situation,” the FSIN concluded.

Earlier, the human rights ombudsman in North Ossetia Tamerlan Tsgoev said that the colony in Vladikavkaz, where the riots took place, was cordoned off, the situation was under control.