When women take birth control pills, some of the tablets are hormone-free - they are called sugar pills.

During the days you eat these pills, you get a so-called dropout bleeding, which is about like a period.

For some years now, midwives have been informing women that it is possible to skip these sugar pills and instead continue to eat tablets with hormones every day.

If you do this, you will avoid bleeding.

- There are more who do it.

Which is because we as caregivers have become better at informing about opportunities.

We have worked actively with that, says Lena Marions.

"No right while"

The reason why the sugar pills existed was that they had previously tried to imitate a regular menstrual cycle.

But according to Lena Marions, there is no reason to do this.

- The break is not a real period.

You do not ovulate if you take birth control pills and have no need to bleed.

Lena Marions believes that there are no increased risks of skipping menstruation in this way.

And believe that many women see many benefits from it.

- In case of severe menstrual pain, heavy menstrual bleeding or endometriosis, we also suggest it, says Lena Marions.

Young people with menstrual problems get help

When it comes to prescribing birth control pills, it has largely fallen somewhat in recent years, while the use of hormonal IUDs and birth control pills has increased. 

The prescribing of contraceptives to young girls between the ages of 10 and 14 has increased in recent years, both in terms of birth control pills and the IUD or IUD.

In the last five years, the number of patients has increased by 119 percent.

- It is a small group where many have huge menstrual problems.

They can be about people who bleed so much that you have problems or have severe menstrual pain.

I think that young girls with irregular abundant menstruation may receive help to a greater extent, says Lena Marions.

Mathilda Gustafsson from Umeå is one of all young people in Umeå who uses a contraceptive stick to avoid menstruation.

- It was a plus to avoid menstruation, she says.

Hear her tell how she reasoned in the clip.

Also hear Jenny Nederberg, midwife at the Umeå youth clinic, talk about the benefits of avoiding menstruation.