China News Service, October 15th. According to the South American Overseas Chinese News Network, out of curiosity and love for China, 35-year-old Brazilian Joana Silva (Joana Silva) has been a backpacker in China for 2 months. "And lived for a year.

Recently, she published a book introducing this "mysterious country" for Brazilians, and recommended it to those who want to broaden their horizons and eliminate prejudice, because "the greatness of the world lies in the diversity of the people."

  According to reports, Joanna previously served as the human resources director of a multinational company. In 2015, she chose to resign and traveled around the world in dozens of countries.

During this time, she got to know China, and after being a "backpacker" there for 2 months, she chose to stay in Hangzhou for a year and work as an English teacher in a kindergarten.

  This Brazilian girl with extensive travel experience in China decided to share her recent experience in the book "As Lições que eu Aprendi Viajando e Morando na China" (As Lições que eu Aprendi Viajando e Morando na China).

For example, her first impression when she went to Tibet.

  "When I got off the train, the tour guide Ngawang Tashi was waiting for me at the exit of the station. Soon I received a white hada." She described in the book: "I opened the window and felt the fresh mountain air blowing on my face. Poke my head out a bit and close my eyes for a few seconds. I don’t know whether I should take photos, photography, or just focus on enjoying the scenery. Upon arrival, I was pleasantly surprised and saw the viaduct, motorcycles, cars and horns. I looked from a distance. , There are large mountains, and yaks are walking."

  Later, out of love for China, she lived in Hangzhou for a year, leading a comfortable life and focusing on learning Mandarin.

She said that the city of Hangzhou has amazing infrastructure, green spaces, parks and lakes, and the cost of living is relatively low compared to Brazil's capital cities.

  Joanna said in the book that the experience of traveling and living in China made her understand that the greatness of the world lies in the diversity of the people.

  Joanna said that this book is aimed at all people who want to understand China from a different perspective that has been narrated by Western media, people who want to learn about countries with millennia of culture without going out, and those who want to immerse themselves in the unknown, get rid of prejudices, People who broaden their horizons.