A dog that noticed the seizure signs of its owner suffering from epilepsy in advance and blocked it with his whole body is attracting attention.


The third search term for clicking is 'Puppy rescued by owner'.

Tina, who lives in the United States, is washing the dishes when her dog Max, who was lying down, suddenly gets up and runs.

Max scans Ms. Tina's body, sniffs it, and finally raises her front leg over the sink, trying to get her attention.

After a fight, Tina finally stopped washing the dishes and patted Max, but just then, her body didn't listen.

It was an epileptic seizure.

Max, feeling the omen, helped get Tina to a safe place.

Max is training a life-saving dog 'Support Dog' specialized for epilepsy patients, and his job is to notify the owner in advance of the onset of seizures.

It's not known how dogs can predict seizures, but experts believe animals can detect odors that humans cannot.

Netizens commented, “Does hormones come out before a seizure?

How the hell do you know?

It's so amazing!", "If there were angels, would they look like this?

Dogs are a mass of emotion.”

(Screen source: TikTok tina_n_max)