According to Edward Blom, the real Christmas is celebrated between Christmas Eve on December 24 and the Twentieth of Knut - and he thinks that magic is eroded if everyone celebrates whenever they want.  

- People just shit in it and think that "I celebrate Christmas when I want".

How can one hold a common folk festival if everyone is just atoms?

Affirms early Christmas feelings

Gustaf Reinfeldt chooses to affirm his remarkably early Christmas feelings and does not think it should disturb anyone.

Nor the slightly more generally accepted start of the thief with Christmas trees and Santa decorations a few weeks before Christmas Eve.  

- If it is now the case that Christmas has been moved, organically by people, has it not become the real Christmas then?

he says in the meeting with Edward Blom.

See Gustaf Reinfeldt and Edward Blom meet in front of Christmas stocking and fireplace in mid-October in Mötet on Monday at 21:45 on SVT1 or already now on SVT Play.