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20 Minutes


This week, a question that can pay big in Scrabble: what is dysmorphobia?

Yes why ?

Dysmorphobia is a disorder of self-image.

This permanent and unreasonable fear of being ugly or ill-formed focuses on a physical defect.

People with the disease are obsessed with a very small physical defect, such as the onset of baldness or a small bump on the nose.

They think that everyone around them sees only their flaw, and that they are the object of ridicule and considered repulsive;

which often convinces them that a love life is impossible for them.

While the causes of this disorder are still unknown, we know that it particularly affects adolescents.

Most of the time, cosmetic surgery is ineffective because it is common for the dysmorphobic person to judge the act failed or insufficient and transfer his anxiety to another part of the body.


Affected by social phobia, how have you been feeling since the start of the deconfinement?


How can you help a loved one affected by depression?


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