In the past few days, dozens of Chinese bombers, fighter, transport and early warning aircraft have repeatedly entered Taiwan's defense airspace.

One can only speculate what the political purpose of these military gestures of threat and power is now - beyond the affirmation of Beijing's claim to rule over Taiwan.

Its president has now reacted, asserted her readiness to defend herself and warned of the “catastrophic consequences” of a Chinese attack, that is, of the consequences of a war.

It is alarming that it is no longer considered to be out of the question that China might want to force “reunification” with Taiwan militarily, regardless of the consequences that this would have, including for the global economy.

Beijing, which put an end to democracy in Hong Kong, is increasingly provocative towards Taiwan, a functioning, prosperous democracy.

It is no wonder then that this aggressiveness has led to backlash. The United States has repeatedly assured Taiwan of its "rock solid" support and raised the political level of relations.

They are also militarily present in the region.

In Taiwan, the Sino-American conflict could ignite militarily.

That would be a disaster.

The “competition” between the two powers has not yet become an open, heated conflict.