The eased restrictions are gratifying for the upcoming ski season, says Skistar.

But there are some things that the pandemic caused that the company also brings into this year's season.

- We became more digital very quickly last season.

Digital check-in, digital purchase of ski passes, the possibilities of getting ski equipment driven home - there are many positive things that we take with us, explains the destination manager Jonas Bauer.

Some approaches remain - and encourage staff to get vaccinated

Lift traps in the lift systems remain to some extent and the employees are only allowed to live with their colleagues.

However, Jonas Bauer is careful to emphasize that the company only calls for vaccination - it is not a requirement among employees.

- If you feel the least bit bad, you stay at home.

We continue to wash our hands, spray where possible, so that we always do it in such a good way and continue the journey of saying that "we put this pandemic behind us".

Direct report · How do you view holidays now that the restrictions have been lifted?


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1 tim19.07

Will maybe travel abroad in the spring .. domestically we have gone almost as usual.

Last summer we did not go to Skåne as we usually do due to the pandemic.

This year we did not go because I was very pregnant during the holiday weeks.


4 hearts16.33

We are all going to die and no one can do anything about it… the question is how many people are infected and how many of them do not survive?

I probably do everything to make it easier for hospital staff and elderly care if I can actually help.

But, not everyone thinks so….


4 tim16.22

Unfortunately, many people live in the belief that only the unvaccinated are infected, this is not the case.

Even vaccinated people can spread the infection.

I myself am unvaccinated for various reasons but have stayed at home.

I think we should calm down a bit and let those who MUST be in public transport and other things have as safe an environment as possible.


6 tim14.19

I think the Swede on the whole is very selfish.

It has been shown throughout the pandemic.

Taverns, holidays… difficult to cope with even the small things.

For our own and the family's part, we do not learn to travel for a very long time either in Sweden or anywhere else.

The Swedish authorities have handled everything as one big failure.

Totally useless.

Do not trust the government or FHM.

Do not understand how to decide a date in early summer and then just drop everything, or the little that was.

But they probably have someone else to blame later, as usual.

What do you say, the rats are the first to leave the ship when it sinks… ..


7 tim13.48

I really hope that everyone who is not vaccinated stays at HOME, both staff who are going to work and those who are going to be tourists.

There is no freedom to have the right to infect others.

Kjell Larsson

7 tim13.24

The restrictions are gone and thus we should be able to move more freely, but I think we should stay in Sweden for a while longer, so as not to put pressure on other countries' healthcare, for example, but also remember that even though we may be nearing the end of a pandemic, we are also in the middle of a climate crisis and traveling can be a personal climate culprit.


7 tim13.06

Since I am fully vaccinated, I think it should be free to travel.

But it receives in some way.

feels distant and not entirely natural to travel as it did before.


8 tim12.46

There is no reason to hesitate when it comes to traveling.

Covid will not disappear and the life I have I do not intend to spend at home for fear of dying.

I had covid in the beginning of 2020, still have long-term symptoms and am double vaccinated.

Traveled earlier during the pandemic and intends to continue with it.

We're all going to die, and when it's my turn I can do nothing about it.


8 tim12.45

You continue to keep your distance, wash your hands and continue to live a little more carefully.

Travel to the mountains and outdoor activities are what attracts the most.


8 tim12.45

Had a trip booked to Cyprus last spring, just when all trips were canceled.

We are planning to travel but not yet, still feel far too insecure.
