[Go Hyun-jun's news]

It happened in the United States.

There was a dizzying accident in which a passenger plane was set on fire while taking off, and the cause was a flock of birds.

On the 2nd local time, a passenger plane that stopped on the runway at Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey, USA, spewed red flames and smoke.

The accident occurred when it collided with a flock of birds while sprinting down the runway for takeoff.

In the process, the aircraft's right engine was damaged, fuel leaked, and the rear of the engine caught on fire.

At that time, there were 100 passengers on the plane.

Passengers sitting by the window shouted 'Fire' all at once, and the cabin fell into great chaos, and the crew calmed the agitated passengers by pleading for a seat.

Fortunately, both passengers and crew succeeded in escaping safely through the emergency slide following the pilot's instructions, and a fire engine was dispatched to extinguish the fire on the passenger plane.

Even a small bird weighing 1 kg is known to receive a shock of about 5 tons when it collides with a passenger plane flying at a speed of 300 km/h or more.