China News Service, September 29 (Zhang Aolin Meng Xiangjun) On the 29th, Japan held the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, and the results should be announced later.

Since the current Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga withdrew from this election, and the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party has a majority of seats in the National Assembly, this also means that whoever wins the election will lock in the next prime minister of Japan.

  There are a total of four candidates for this election, namely Taro Kono, the current administrative reform minister, Fumio Kishida, the former Liberal Democratic Party political chairman, Sanae Takaichi, the former general secretary, and Seiko Noda, the current acting director of the Liberal Democratic Party.

  Why is this election so much concerned in Japan?

The diplomatic strategy of the four candidates includes what propositions about China policy?

Currently, who has the highest approval rating?

After the election, how might the trend of Japanese politics change?

  A set of pictures to interpret the election situation of the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan.

Introduction by Fumio Kishida.

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

Introduction by Kono Taro.

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

Takashi Sanae introduces.

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

Introduced by Noda Seiko.

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

How to choose the Prime Minister of Japan?

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

This year of Yoshihide Suga.

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

Japan will usher in another round of "revolving lantern" change of prime minister?

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

Suga Yoshihide cabinet approval rate trend.

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu

What do the Japanese people think of this election?

Copywriter: Zhang Aolin and Guan Na from China News Service Drafting: Drafting: Xu Pengyu