- We take care of residues such as branches, twigs, tops and bark that would not otherwise be useful, but only decayed and released the carbon dioxide that they previously absorbed through photosynthesis, says Erik Tellgren, CEO of Växjö Energi, which is Växjö's municipally owned energy companies.

Seen over their transports

When the company has switched to a completely fossil-free production, it has also put transport and all other activities that generate emissions under scrutiny.

- We have converted all our service vehicles to become fossil fuel free.

We have also asked all the contractors who carry out assignments for us to change their vehicles - which they have also undertaken through agreements, says Erik Tellgren.

Examined externally

Erik Tellgren attaches great importance to daring to be examined.

Therefore, an external company has been commissioned to calculate that everything is correct and that no parameters in the calculations have been dropped.

- For example, we have let the independent expert group Profu make climate accounts of our business and its development.

This is in turn used in our open sustainability report and our sustainability work.