What is the shelf life of milk?

One of the most frustrating things in the kitchen is to find that a bottle of milk you want to use in a recipe has outlived its shelf life.

But you may need to know a few things about the shelf life of the milk before discarding the package.

There is a big difference between labels for milk dates that say "use before x", "best if used before x", or "expired on x-date".

The phrase "best if used before X-Day" is used to refer to quality only until after this date the food is safe to eat.

Lindsey Pasica, an investigator with ConsumerSafety, says the other phrase "expired on x-date" is used to refer to the day the milk begins to change its condition, taste and quality, after which the product may become unsafe for consumption. .

As for the phrase "to use before such a day", it means selling milk to the consumer or disposing of it and not allowing it to be sold, and this allows milk producers to tell consumers when the product is at the peak of its quality.

The phrase “it is better if it is used before such a day” does not mean that the milk may spoil on the indicated date, as much as it means that its quality may decrease.

However, it is important to note that expiration dates vary based on the type of milk you buy, how it is stored and how it is packaged.

For example, “with raw or unpasteurized milk, spoilage rates increase, as is the case with milk made without preservatives,” says Pasika.

Pollution can also stimulate the growth of bacteria, causing the milk to turn into curd.

Once the milk bottle is opened, all milk is usable 4-7 days from the date printed on the package (German)

How long does milk last?

Where and how milk is stored is central to maintaining milk quality.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, if milk is left unrefrigerated for more than two hours, it is considered unsafe for consumption.

Food should also be kept on cooler inner refrigerator shelves and not on door shelves. Milk should be stored at 38° to 40° F (1.5- 4.5° C) in the same container it came in, away from the door.

When milk is stored on the shelves of the refrigerator door, it is exposed to warm air every time it is opened, which encourages the growth of bacteria.

The coldest parts of the refrigerator are those in the back and the bottom.

Just make sure the refrigerator isn't too cold, so the liquid doesn't turn into icy lumps.

Also, be sure to close the lid tightly on the milk cartons;

This helps reduce pollution and odors from other refrigerated products.

Recognize expired milk

There is a difference between milk turning into small lumps of curd that can be used in baked goods, and having a foul odor or flavor due to naturally occurring spoilage bacteria.

According to the Eat By Date website, once a bottle of milk is opened, all milk is usable 4 to 7 days from the date printed on the package, if refrigerated.

If the package has not been opened, whole milk lasts 5 to 7 days, low-fat and fat-free milk lasts 7 days, and skim and lactose-free milk lasts 7 to 10 days after its printed date, if refrigerated.

Be sure to close the lid tightly on the milk cartons, as this helps reduce pollution and unwanted odors (Pixabe)

How do you store milk for as long as possible?

There are several ways to extend the shelf life of a bottle or milk carton.

  • First, add a pinch of table salt as soon as you open it for the first time, then close the package again and shake it.

    The salt gives the milk a few extra days of shelf life and does not change the taste of the milk.

  • Second, you can also use a teaspoon of baking soda once you open it.

    It will add another week to its expiration date.

  • The third is freezing, milk can be frozen to preserve it for a long period of up to several months if it is kept in a safe place in the freezer, but to get the best quality, experts advise consuming it within a month from the start of freezing.

  • It is also recommended to freeze skim milk, as it responds better to freezing than milk with a high percentage of fat, and the milk should be kept in an airtight container so that it does not absorb the flavor from other contents of the refrigerator.

  • Make sure there is about an inch of extra space in the container to prevent the liquid from expanding while it freezes.

  • To thaw the milk, just put the frozen milk in the fridge overnight and make sure to shake it before drinking it.