A man threw an egg on Monday at Emmanuel Macron in the aisles of the International Catering Show, which bounced off his shoulder without breaking, a brief incident amid the rather warm welcome from the professionals.

The author of the egg-throwing, a man in Bermuda shorts, was immediately evacuated to another room and then handcuffed.

"If he has something to tell me, let him come," commented the head of state, asking to be brought to him.

"I'll go see him later."

Go get it, ”he added.

A warm lounge so far

This incident occurred during his visit to the stands of the International Catering, Hotel and Food Fair (SIRHA) which opens in Lyon, with three members of the government - the Minister of SMEs Alain Griset, the Secretary of State for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne and the Minister of Agriculture Julien Denormandie - as well as the former head of the Elysée Guillaume Gomez.

In the aisles of the show, professionals warmly thanked him for state aid during the crisis, as well as for his morning announcement of an upcoming tax exemption for tips paid by bank card.

Acknowledgments and supporters

“Thank you for the crisis management,” one told him.

“Thank you, we were able to hold out for a year,” added another.

"Bravo for what you have done for restaurateurs", completed a third (…) This announcement is great "on tips, also congratulated another.

On June 8, Emmanuel Macron was hit in the face by a man, on the sidelines of a trip to Tain-L'Hermitage, causing a major wave of protests within the political class.

Tried in an immediate appearance two days after the facts, the unemployed and living RSA man had been sentenced to four months in prison.

He was released from prison on September 21.


Catering: Macron announces tax exemption for tips paid by credit card


Lyon: Emmanuel Macron in Lyon to support gastronomy and health

  • Lyon

  • Restoration

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  • Emmanuel Macron