
Click> The second search term is 'Black bear slide education'.

An elementary school playground in North Carolina, USA.

Two black bears are seen on the slide where the children ride, and the bear, presumed to be the mother, waits for the bear cub, and then goes down the slide as if giving a demonstration.

Perhaps the mother bear decided that the slide she was riding on was too high for her cub, so she ran in front of the lower slide and waited for the cub.

After the cub succeeds in riding the slide following the mother's guidance, it is hugged by the mother bear, and the mother bear is also hugged as if the cub is proud.

The people who filmed the video were astonished and cheered as they taught the slide and acted like a human being.

Netizens responded, "I think they said, 'Oh, my baby rides well~'", "Baby bear who tasted the slide, will you keep asking me to go to the park? Haha."

(Screen source: Facebook Betsie Stockslager Emry)