• Confindustria, Landini: "Making contracts".

    Sbarra: "Ok pact".

    Bombers: "We never subtracted"

  • Layoffs, Landini.

    "Use all alternative tools"

  • Landini: "On the contracts indecent choice, ready for the general strike"

  • Orlando: "No blitz on layoffs".

    Bombers: "Up to 2 million workers at risk"

  • CGIL, CISL and UIL: "Starting over from work".

    Bombardieri: "Politics less on social media, more in the streets"


September 26, 2021 "I expect the Prime Minister tomorrow evening" in addition to the issue of safety in the workplace on which the meeting with the general secretaries of CGIL, CISL and UIL at Palazzo Chigi is called "will indicate a precise calendar to address and enter into the merits "of the various open issues and reforms.

Thus the general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, speaking at the "Futura 2021" initiative in Bologna.

"I hope - he adds - that beyond the declarations, the will to open a confrontation is true and will enable us to do so". 

"We are - added Landini - in a phase in which there is a need to redesign our country. What we are claiming is that the world of work, the trade unions, are involved in the decisions that must be taken". We need a "protocol to discuss PNRR investments, we want to be involved in decisions. We want to participate in decisions and make our contribution. It is a very important moment in which the world of work and people must play a decisive role".

"I work at the center of the pact or we will take back the squares"

"Anyone who wants a social pact - said Landini - must answer the question: does that pact reduce precariousness or not? Does it increase wages or not? Does it allow me to retire? Is it capable of changing production processes or not? at the center the quality of work or profit and freedom of enterprise? These are trivial questions but they give a sense of the challenge. We do not want to go back to before the pandemic, but we say to government, businesses and politics that if they want to change to improve we have working conditions, but if someone thinks of increasing the precariousness or reducing the importance of work we are ready to do our job, we are ready to take back the streets not only in an orderly way ".

#MaurizioLandini to # Futuro2021: “In a #Pact there must be the fight against # precariousness to give certain job prospects. This is why we are asking for a national protocol to define investments to create new stable, quality jobs, especially for young people and women "pic.twitter.com/TI1bT8uvM5

- CGIL Nazionale (@cgilnazionale) September 26, 2021

"Disagree with Confindustria requests"

"Standing ovation to Draghi? There are some requests that Confindustria has put forward that I don't agree on. private health care, indeed to strengthen public and social spending, invest in education "- continues Landini -" We are not prejudiced, when Mattarella proposed Draghi and that at that moment it was not necessary to vote for the pandemic and for the need to have a figure like that - he explains - I thought it was the right choice and I still think so now. Now we are in a decisive moment ".

Sbarra: "Government leave industrial relations to bargaining"

'' Having stiffened the labor market with invasive reforms is the most serious mistake that the legislator has made in recent years - said the Secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra - with the illusion that through the Citizenship Income created millions of jobs.

Government and Parliament must fully understand this lesson and renounce to get straight into the dynamics of industrial relations, which must remain autonomously within the scope of the negotiation and contractual confrontation ''. 

#LuigiSbarra to # Futura2021: “We face important challenges concerning the future of the country.

We need to build together a broad field of responsibility and a great social pact in order to have a central role in the construction site of change "pic.twitter.com/8jLwiyVaCS

- CISL Nazionale (@CislNazionale) September 26, 2021

"Problem of low wages, not minimum wages"

'' The discussion of the minimum wage in individual countries is different but we need to strengthen collective bargaining agreements and a law on representation is needed . In recent years, pirate contracts have grown "then underlines the secretary of the CGIL. And he continues:" So we need to start from the agreements for representation and give validity to national contracts. A discussion is needed in Europe, because relocations show that there is not the same wage system and the same rights. We must raise wages and carry out a tax reform that reduces taxation on labor and retirees ''. 

Bombers: "Minimum wage creates dumping in Europe "

And in this regard, the general secretary of UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri underlined: `` I believe that many of our politicians who speak of minimum wages have not even read the European directive, which aims to extend bargaining and not to insert wages. minimum.

In Europe there is a dumping of companies that leave countries that have national bargaining and go to countries that have the minimum wage defined by law ''.

#Bombardieri: The objective of the European directive on #minimal salaries is to extend bargaining.

Otherwise the risk is to reduce the contractual space and rights and do great damage.

Politicians study a little more and look more to Europe. @ PpBombardieri

- National Uil (@UILofficial) September 26, 2021