• "The objective of the conference will therefore be to discuss the effects of wine on the brain, on self-confidence, the taboos that fall and on the amplification of our senses" explains Caroline Wolberg of the Cité du Vin.

  • "The idea is to present the relationship between wine consumption and sexuality from a scientific point of view, but also in a fairly light way" insists Pierre Dehillotte-Dejean, from the Bordeaux Open Air electronic music festival.

  • We will also discuss the effect of wine on our perception of music.

A glass of wine that gently breaks down the barriers of inhibition. The body traversed good waves of electronic music. Do these elements influence our sexuality? How do they allow us to go beyond taboos? How does wine change our perception of music?

“Wine, sex and electro” is a conference that promises a lot of surprises, Tuesday evening at the Cité du Vin in Bordeaux.

“We had already dealt with the influence of music on sexuality and on wine tasting, during an exhibition on wine and music, and we had also organized a conference on wine and sexuality, as a result. we thought it was interesting to mix it all up, explains Caroline Wolberg, cultural production manager at the Cité du Vin.

It is especially the effect of wine on sexuality that intrigues, because romantic encounters, eroticism, are often accompanied by the presence of wine.

The objective of the conference will therefore be to discuss the effects of wine on the brain, on self-confidence, the taboos that fall and on the amplification of our senses… ”

"Red wine raises the level of testosterone"

“The idea is to present the relationship between wine consumption and sexuality from a scientific point of view, but also in a rather light way, because we are targeting the public of the Cité du Vin who already have some knowledge of this issue, but also the public of Bordeaux Open Air, who do not have the same expertise, ”adds Pierre Dehillotte-Dejean, conference manager for Bordeaux Open Air, an electronic music festival, at the origin of this project.

To host this protean conference, the Cité du Vin and Bordeaux Open Air will bring in Fabrizio Bucella, physicist, sommelier, teacher at the Free University of Brussels and for the Master 2 in vine and wine law at the University of Bordeaux. .

The latter explains in particular that the daily glass of red wine is one of the foods that would preserve erectile dysfunction, and that "absorbed in reasonable quantities, red wine raises the level of testosterone, that is to say the hormone that increases sexual desire.


"Address the issue of the dangers of alcohol, but not in a brutal way"

“The speakers will also talk about their experiences,” continues Pierre Dehillotte-Dejean.

Jennifer Cardini, pioneer of Franco-German electronic music, will tell us why she completely stopped drinking alcohol, while remaining in the electronic music circuit, which proves that you can have fun without alcohol.

»Conversely, other DJs« think their set according to alcohol consumption.


“We will also have François Richard, who is an actor in the field behind the Hangover Café, a truck that roams the streets of Bordeaux on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays with volunteers who do prevention on the dangers of alcohol, adds Caroline Wolberg.

This will allow us to tackle the issue of excess, but not in a brutal way.


How drinking wine changes the perception of music

If wine has effects on our sexuality, it also has effects on our perception of music.

“We had already organized a tasting and music workshop, it was quite surprising, remembers Caroline Wolberg.

We had a red wine tasting to the public with fairly soft classical music, suddenly the wine seemed light, with floral notes, then another red wine with more intense music, and everyone agreed that this wine was much more alcoholic.

In the end, it was the same wine.

There were, however, real specialists during this tasting.

We can clearly see, when we organize a dinner for example, that the environment around us can change the perception of tasting.


What works for classical works for electronic music. The public may have the opportunity to get a glimpse of it, during the DJ Set of Jennifer Cardini and Cornelius Doctor in the gardens of the Cité du Vin, which will follow the conference on Tuesday evening. It will also be an opportunity to relaunch the Bordeaux Open Air festival, which has stopped for two years. This festival organizes in the parks of Bordeaux, on Sundays, concerts and performances for all types of public, young and old, and even for children.

The preparation for this conference, as well as the release of the film


in 2020, has also given Pierre Dehillotte-Dejean a new idea.

“We are thinking about the feasibility of an event, outside the Bordeaux Open Air festival, in which people would have a ticket to consume only the amount of alcohol that would be necessary for them to remain at a certain balance throughout the evening, and thus being able to appreciate the musical performance without going overboard.

Because, it should be remembered, we are talking about moderate alcohol consumption.

The event organized on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. is sold out at the Cité du Vin but you can follow it online by registering on a Zoom link on the Cité du Vin website.


Bordeaux: The Hangover café bus goes to meet partygoers who are too alcoholic


Bordeaux: Why the Cité du vin is attracting more and more young people

  • Electronic music

  • Sexuality

  • Wine

  • City of wine

  • Alcohol

  • Aquitaine

  • Bordeaux