Autumn tonic

  After the autumnal equinox, the climate is gradually drier, although the night is cool, but sometimes the temperature is still higher during the day.

Chinese medicine believes that heat can hurt body and qi, and dryness will consume body fluid.

Hou Qian, the attending physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, reminded everyone that after the autumn equinox, proper tonic, balanced diet, and prevention of autumn dryness should be done in health care.

  The symptoms of autumn dryness are mainly manifested in the respiratory system, skin and intestines.

The symptoms of autumn dryness of the respiratory system are mainly manifested as dry mouth and nose, dry pharynx and so on.

The symptoms of autumn dryness of the skin include dryness, itching, and even cracking and shedding of dandruff, etc. The elderly and diabetic patients are especially concerned.

Intestinal dryness is manifested as insufficient intestinal body fluid, prone to dry stools, constipation, and abdominal distension.

In the prevention of autumn dryness, foods that nourish and moisturize dryness and nourish the vital energy should be used, such as American ginseng, Taizi ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, Adenophora rhizome, Rehmannia glutinosa, Polygonatum, etc.

  Autumn is already halfway through, the temperature changes from hot to cold, the consumption of the human body gradually decreases, appetite begins to increase, and people's choice of food expands.

At this time, the problem that should be paid attention to in dietary preparation is to balance the diet, which can be properly supplemented according to the characteristics of the autumn season to prepare for the winter.

In autumn, tonic should follow the principle of "supplement but not severe" and "prevent dryness but not greasy", which can increase the intake of some nutrients, such as duck meat, pork, turtle meat, silky chicken, fish, poultry eggs, and dairy products. Such as nutritious and easy-to-digest foods, while also enhancing disease resistance.

For people with weak spleen and stomach and indigestion, you can take lotus seeds, yams, lentils, lilies, etc., which invigorate the spleen and stomach.

  In addition, the autumn diet should also pay attention to "less pungent and more sour" and eat less spicy and divergent products, such as chili, ginger, cinnamon, and Chinese pepper.

At the same time, eat less fat, sweet and greasy products such as fried and barbecued foods. These foods are prone to damp heat, damage the spleen and stomach, and aggravate autumn dryness.

On the contrary, you can eat more acidic foods such as grapes, pomegranates, grapefruit, and hawthorn.

  In the autumn, the weather is hot and cold, and sometimes the rain is continuous. People will get colds or old illnesses if they don't pay attention.

Therefore, the attending physician Hou Qian recommended 2 Chinese medicinal diets to help everyone strengthen the body's resistance and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

  ● Yupingfengsan

  From the "Danxi Heart Method", 10 grams of Astragalus, 20 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala and 10 grams of Fangfeng are used to decoct water to replace tea, or take Yupingfeng granules 2-3 times a day.

For people with many basic diseases, poor physique, susceptible to colds and qi deficiency and sweating, such as fatigue, fear of blowing, easy sweating, etc., insist on taking Yupingfeng powder in the autumn to replenish qi and solidify the surface. Sweat and enhance resistance.

  ●Strengthening liquid soup

  From the "Differentiation of Febrile Diseases", 15 grams of Scrophulariaceae, 12 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, and 12 grams of raw land are used to decoct water to replace the tea. It can moisturize the dryness of the whole body. It is suitable for patients with yin deficiency constitution, such as dry mouth, thirst and recurrence of diabetes. It can be taken for cases of oral ulcers, habitual constipation, chronic pharyngitis, etc. It can be taken frequently in autumn.