Virtual health centers with online doctors have increased sharply in recent years.

They have served as a relief for primary care but have also been criticized for unnecessary doctor visits that take resources from primary care.

The Center Party wants to access this through a regulation of activities.

Patients' rights must be secured, the activities must reach all residents and be "financially sustainable".

There was no dispute at the center meeting.

On the other hand, the question was whether the municipalities should be allowed to employ their own doctors in elderly care.

Today, municipalities are not allowed to do that.

A motion from the Center Women that it should be possible was rejected by the party board and also by the meeting.

Unreasonable ban

- It is an unreasonable ban.

It is time to implement a change so that the law at least makes it possible for municipalities to hire doctors, said Malin Bergman from Centerkvinnor.

She was supported by Gustav Hemming from the city of Stockholm.

- Release the rim and the regional medical monopoly.

Let the doctor come to the mother instead of forcing the mother to the care.

Municipal doctors can strengthen the entire competence of elderly care, it will relieve the regions, he said.

But Tom Silverklo, regional councilor from Jämtland, did not agree.

- We can no longer split up primary care.

In that case, we will put the entire primary care on the municipalities, he said.

Right to contact

Finally, the Center Assembly adopted the party board's care program without any decisive changes.

Elderly people should not constantly have to meet new people in elderly care.

The goal should be a maximum of ten employees per home care employee.

The Center Party also wants to see a law on the right to permanent care contact for home care recipients.

By 2030, everyone who works with nursing in Swedish elderly care must have at least one assistant nurse education.

The center wants to see a national system for small-scale health care in sparsely populated areas and in socio-economically vulnerable areas that is co-financed between the state and the regions.

In a crisis situation, municipalities will have the right to be able to refuse temporary housing home care services for a limited period of time.

Several delegates requested a program for dental care, but it did not win the AGM's hearing.

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A record number of Center Party members wanted to debate the school - hear how it sounded in the clip.

Photo: Anders Wiklund / Hossein Salmanzadeh / TT