The Bundestag (GettyImages)


September 24, 2021 After the vote for the renewal of the German Bundestag, on September 26, the parties will sit at the negotiating table to create a new government coalition.

The names of the possible combinations mostly refer to different national flags based on the colors attributed to the formations, black for the Union (Christian-Democrats and Christian-Social, Cdu / Csu), red for the Social Democrats of the SPD but also for the Left (Die Linke), yellow for the Liberals of the Fdp, green for ecologists.

GREAT COALITION OR KENYA COALITION: After eight years of Union-SPD government, a majority that allows a re-edition of the Great Coalition between the two major formations seems difficult. The entry of the Greens to give life to a Kenyan coalition (black-red-green) would strengthen the two movements, which however risk obtaining close results and entering into a collision course on the choice of the chancellor.

JAMAICA COALITION: the Union has often teamed up with the Liberals of the FDP at national and regional level over the years. Many in the CDU would like to include ecologists for a black-yellow-green tricolor, but would encounter resistance in the other two parties: a similar attempt failed after the 2017 vote. 

COALITION GERMANY: would combine Cdu / Csu, Spd and Fdp. It would exceed 50% of the votes and many voters of the CDU and FDP would like it if the Union, with the advantage, expressed the chancellor. But if the SPD were to lead the games, things would change.

RED-RED-GREEN COALITION: it is the specter that the moderates wave in the face of disappointing polls: that of a coalition between the SPD, the radical Left and the Greens. It is possible in terms of votes if Linke manages to exceed 5% to enter Parliament, but not easy. Also because the positions of the populist Left on foreign policy could represent an obstacle. According to recent polls, this is not a solution viewed favorably by the electorate.

TRAFFIC LIGHT COALITION: the Liberals of the Fdp in the past have generally avoided acting as an intermediary between the SPD and the Greens in a government team.

But this year the FDP - the traditional balance in post-election discussions - would seem open to more options, determined as it seems to be to return to the government, whatever the chosen formula.