Since Angela Merkel took office as Chancellor on 22 November 2005, the United States and France have had four presidents each, the United Kingdom five prime ministers and Italy eight.

Angela Merkel, 67, was born in Hamburg but grew up in East Germany.

She has studied chemistry, became a member of the Bundestag in 1990 and party leader in 2000.

In 2015, she was named Person of the Year by Time magazine.

Last year, Forbes magazine put her at number one on the list of the world's most powerful women. 

- The bit odd is that she does not give the impression of being particularly powerful, rather low-key, says Christoffer Wendick, foreign reporter.

Hands in a square

In the beginning, she was criticized for her body language, because she "flapped" with her arms.

But that changed when she began using her signature position: two hands forming a square in front of her.

- I think it gave her peace of mind, says Christoffer Wendick.

SVT's foreign reporter Christoffer Wendick has met her several times in her previous role as foreign correspondent.

- What I was struck by is that she is so present in the meeting, even with a Swedish journalist like me, he says.

Over the years, Mekel's decisions have both divided and united Europe.

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