Health Preservation | What should I pay attention to after the autumnal equinox?

  CCTV, Beijing, September 23 (Reporter Qin Liling) September 23 ushered in the 16th solar term of the 24 solar terms-the autumnal equinox.

The ancient Chinese book "Chunqiu Fanlu·Yin and Yang Enters the Upper and Lower Chapters" says: "Autumn equinox, yin and yang are half, so the day and night are equal to cold and heat." The "cent" of the autumnal equinox means "half".

  In the autumnal equinox, there are two meanings of "fen": One is that the sun reaches 180 degrees of the yellow longitude on this day and directly hits the earth's equator. Therefore, the 24 hours of the day and night are equally divided, each 12 hours, and there is no polar day and night phenomenon in the world.

The second is to divide the seasons in ancient my country with the beginning of spring, beginning of summer, beginning of autumn, and beginning of winter as the four seasons. The autumnal equinox is the 90th day of autumn, and autumn is equally divided.

  After the autumnal equinox, the location of direct sunlight shifts south, the days in the northern hemisphere are short and the nights are long, the temperature difference between day and night increases, and the weather gradually turns cooler. The human body is vulnerable to various diseases. Therefore, the following matters must be paid attention to.

The daily diet should be light and not greasy

  In dietary care, ancestral traditional Chinese medicine also takes the balance of yin and yang as the starting point to prevent yin and yang imbalance.

Different people have different taboos. For example, the elderly should try to eat less foods that are too hot to prevent getting angry; developing children, if there is no special reason, should not over-nutrition.

In terms of diet and conditioning, drink plenty of water and eat moisturizing and moist foods, such as apples, autumn pears, citrus, persimmons, hawthorns, grapes, lilies, lotus seeds, white fungus, etc., which can nourish yin and lungs, nourish yin and promote body fluids. effect.

People with phlegm and dampness should avoid greasy food.

Muhuo people should avoid spicy food.

People with asthma and skin diseases should eat less seafood such as shrimps and crabs.

People with cold stomach should avoid eating raw and cold foods.

In the morning and evening, the temperature drops sharply, so add clothes in time to prevent colds

  Astronomical experts reminded that during the autumnal equinox, the weather turns cooler and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large. The public should always pay attention to weather changes, add clothes in time, and take necessary physical exercises to enhance physical fitness to prevent colds and other diseases.

You should start cold-resistant exercises according to your physical condition, go to bed early and wake up early, choose more relaxed and gentle sports such as jogging, yoga, and Tai Chi to enhance yang and resist pathogenic diseases.

Maintain optimism and focus on physical and mental health

  The autumnal equinox, due to the gradual decrease in sunshine, often affects people's mood, which is easy to make people feel depressed. It is a season of high incidence of depression.

Therefore, the most important thing is to cultivate optimism, maintain a calm mind, and treat people and things around you with an optimistic and positive attitude.

In free time, you can go out and walk with family and friends, shopping, eating, climbing, and traveling can alleviate negative emotions.

The physique recuperation chooses the ancient folk customs of Chongyang Chongyang to climb high and view the scenery, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

All the melancholy, melancholy and other bad emotions suddenly disappeared. This is one of the "nourishing" methods in health preservation, and it is also a good medicine for regulating the mind.