
September 22, 2021 A 27-year-old woman died last night at the San Paolo hospital in Savona after giving birth.

The child was transferred to the Gaslini in Genoa.

Pending diagnostic feedback, the ASL reported the episode to the prosecutor to clarify the matter.

The Asl 2 Savonese "immediately ordered an internal investigation to ascertain the dynamics of the facts and the judicial authority that ordered the autopsy investigation was notified", reads a note from the health care company. "The circumstances of the death are being ascertained - continues the note - the patient was hospitalized yesterday morning for childbirth, at the end of a normal pregnancy, in health and with all the regular routine examinations. The patient's health worsened suddenly during the course of delivery and the immediate transfer to resuscitation was ordered. The death occurred during the night ". 

The baby arrived at the Gaslini pediatric hospital in critical condition, with "a picture of very serious suffering from perinatal asphyxia, absence of cardiac and respiratory activity at birth. He is intubated and supported by a mechanical ventilator", reads the note from Gaslini. . The baby had been transferred to the Genoese pediatric hospital thanks to the Neonatal Emergency Transport system created by the Gaslini staff, and activated immediately at birth. The prognosis is reserved, the conditions are extremely delicate.

The governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti "learned with pain the news of the death of the young mother and immediately requested a timely report from the ASL2 and ordered the sending of Alisa inspectors to shed light on what happened, specifies a note from the Liguria Region The president's visit to Savona, scheduled for the afternoon, was canceled out of respect for the mourning of the family and the city.