Calais (AFP)

Former President Nicolas Sarkozy on Wednesday invited his "faithful friend" Xavier Bertrand to "be heard" in the presidential campaign, after a meeting in Calais (Pas-de-Calais) with the president of the region des Hauts-de-France, ex-LR candidate for 2022.

"It is up to him to be heard. It does not depend on what each other can say," he said in response to a question about his candidacy.

Before adding: "Myself, Jacques Chirac helped me a lot."

Guardian figure of the right, Mr. Sarkozy has so far refrained from providing any support to a candidate of his camp.

The former president, who recently met the president of Ile-de-France Valérie Pécresse (Libres, ex-LR) and the former European Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier (LR), also candidates to lead the right in the presidential election, stressed that he would give "when the time comes" his opinion on this electoral battle.

"Xavier is a friend, he always has been," Nicolas Sarkozy insisted on Wednesday about his former Minister of Labor, concealing the differences that have marred their relationship.

"I have made a journey of mine, I am proud. Xavier can carry out his ambition, I can understand it perfectly. I am not a bitter person who thinks that after him there is no more. nothing, "he added.

He was present in Calais to present Mayor Natacha Bouchart (LR) with the insignia of Knight of the Legion of Honor.

Nicolas Sarkozy during a ceremony to award the Legion of Honor to Mayor Natacha Bouchart, in Calais, September 22, 2021 FRANCOIS LO PRESTI AFP

Besides Mme Pécresse and MM.

Barnier and Bertrand, Eric Ciotti and Philippe Juvin, both LR, stood as candidates to represent the right in the presidential election.

LR activists must decide next Saturday how they will nominate their candidate.

Two methods are available to them: the primary in which Xavier Bertrand refuses to participate, or a congress (that is to say a meeting of members) whose terms have not yet been decided.

The Republicans convene a political bureau Wednesday evening on the subject.

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