, Beijing, September 21 (Zhang Yilin) ​​Forgot to take the key when going out, write memos for shopping, but can't find the things in our hands... When we laughed at ourselves as having "Alzheimer's disease", many people were still there. Tortured by this painless disease.

  September 21 is "World Alzheimer's Day", and this year's theme is "Knowing the enemy and confidant, early diagnosis and early wisdom".

In the face of these gray-haired "old children", if the disease progression is controlled at an early stage, can their memories be retained?

Data map.

Photo by Kang Yuzhan

One patient is added every three seconds

  What can be done in 3 seconds?

Blink your eyes?

Take a deep breath?

But you should not expect that every 3 seconds, one more person in the world may "forget himself".

  According to the Global Health Estimates Report 2019 released by the World Health Organization in 2020, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia have been among the top ten causes of death in the world in the past 20 years.

  According to the "World Alzheimer's Disease Report 2018", every 3 seconds, there will be a new dementia patient in the world.

  Professor Han Ying, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, introduced that Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disease of the nervous system.

The usual disease group is the elderly group over 65 years old, the older the age, the greater the risk of disease.

  Emotions are complex and changeable, life can't take care of yourself, going out and getting lost... In addition to forgetfulness, Alzheimer's disease may also cause these consequences.

  Someone once described Alzheimer's disease as "the longest farewell", because before the end of life, all the memories and sanity of Alzheimer's patients will slip through the fingers and forget everything around them. They will gradually lose themselves.

  And this is also an unbearable burden for their families. They have to take care of Alzheimer's patients as if they are children, and they have to endure the pain of being gradually forgotten by their loved ones.

Data map.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yang Kejia

Incurable disease

  Unfortunately, Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible disease.

  According to experts, there is currently no drug that can reverse the course of this disease.

"Brain cell death cannot be regenerated, and lost brain function cannot be restored."

  At the same time, most patients with Alzheimer's disease realize that memory loss is a disease, and when they think about seeing a doctor, 80% have reached the stage of moderate to severe dementia, missing the best time for diagnosis and treatment.

  The cause is unpredictable, the diagnosis is missed, and the condition cannot be cured. Humans seem to be unable to resist Alzheimer's disease.

  Experts emphasize that early detection and timely treatment are the "magic bullet."

  So, how to find Alzheimer's disease?

The subjective cognitive decline in the preclinical stage is a red flag that deserves attention:

  1. There is a long-term sustained memory decline;

  2. The onset is within the past 5 years;

  3. Memory decline in 60 years old and above;

  4. Worry about the decline of one's memory;

  5. Qualified insiders who spend more than 20 hours together each week confirm that their memory has decreased;

  6. Continue to worry about memory loss;

  7. Take the initiative to go to the memory clinic for medical treatment.

  In other words, when there is a significant memory decline, a gradual loss of the ability of daily living, accompanied by early danger signs such as mental symptoms and behavioral disorders, it is necessary to be alert to Alzheimer's disease and take the initiative to go to the hospital memory clinic for screening.

Data map: In a specialized hospital that specializes in Alzheimer's disease in the suburbs of Beijing, an old man suffering from the disease is basking in the sun in a wheelchair.

Photo by Cui Nan issued by China News Agency

Genes, age and environment all contribute to Alzheimer's disease

  According to experts, Alzheimer's disease can be divided into familial and sporadic.

Familial Alzheimer's disease is dominantly inherited, and 95% of Alzheimer's disease is sporadic Alzheimer's disease, usually onset after 65 years of age.

  Although there are many unknown risk factors for the disease, there are still 12 disease factors that can be effectively controlled: low level of early education, middle-aged hypertension, obesity, brain trauma, hearing impairment, alcoholism, lack of exercise in the elderly, low social contact , Smoking, depression, air pollution, diabetes.

  Maintaining good living habits, scientific and nutritious diet, and strengthening physical exercise are all ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

"When patients with Alzheimer's disease appear in the family, family care is also an irreplaceable medicine for the illness."

  Only early screening, early diagnosis, and early treatment can press the pause button for Alzheimer's disease and become the most effective weapon against the disease.

  At the same time, experts said that with the acceleration of aging, the incidence and prevalence of Alzheimer's disease are also increasing year by year, and the age of disease is also showing a trend of younger age.

  "Don't take it lightly, don't feel that you won't get sick at the age of 20 or 30, and you don't need to worry too much or over medical treatment." (End)