It was in October that the French customs authorities carried out an inspection of a consignment from Lebanon declared as a pizza oven.

More than 200 kilos of cannabis were hidden in the one-ton oven.

The recipient of the pizza oven was in Sweden.

To find out who was behind the smuggling, it was fitted with another, similar box and a camera and microphone were installed in the packaging before the oven was sent on to Sweden.

Customs in Skåne cracked down on the smugglers

According to the Swedish Customs 'scouts in Sweden, the pizza oven was picked up by two of the men at the Swedish Customs' clearance office in Malmö.

When the delivery then reached a warehouse in a smaller Scanian town, the Swedish Customs struck - and found another 114 kilos of cannabis in the premises.

According to the Swedish Customs, the value of drugs is approximately 47 million at the drug level.

Several are sentenced to prison

Two men are now sentenced to five years and eleven months in prison.

Another man gets four years and eleven months in prison and another man gets three years in prison.

A fifth person is sentenced to a daily fine.

The evidence includes a group chat where some of those involved discuss how the drugs in the pizza oven should be handled.

The men have denied any wrongdoing.