The men are said to have been arrested on Wednesday evening, September 15 in Trelleborg.

The case is being investigated by the Swedish Customs in Malmö and the preliminary investigation is being led by prosecutors at the National Unit against International and Organized Crime (Rio).

Why does Rio own this goal?

- This is usually the case when it comes to slightly larger smuggling cases where there may be international connections, says chamber prosecutor Ulla Karlbrink.

What type of drug is involved in this case and how much?

- There's nothing I can go into.

But the suspicion is about extremely serious drug smuggling and it can result in imprisonment for at least six years.

Where in Trelleborg were the men arrested?

- I can not comment on that in this situation.

It is very early in the investigation and I can not go out with any details.

Prosecution or petition for remand must be brought no later than 15 October.