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An Australian woman is pregnant with her seventh child after using birth control, and has sued her doctor for damages. The court ruled in favor of the woman, saying, "You have the right to be compensated for the additional childcare expenses you have incurred because of an unwanted pregnancy."

On the 15th local time, foreign media such as ABC News in Australia reported that woman A, who was pregnant with her seventh child after 4 years of contraception, received about 140 million won in damages with our money.

In 2009, a few days before the birth of her sixth child, Mr. A was recommended by a doctor to have tubal ligation, a contraceptive procedure. At that time, the doctor suggested to Mr. A to perform this procedure at the same time as delivery by cesarean section, saying, "If you become pregnant again, the life of the mother may be at risk."

At that time, Mr. A thought that the procedure went well because there was no additional suggestion from the doctor, but four years later, he went to the hospital for treatment with unexplained bleeding and found out that he was pregnant. Mr. A said that he was even more angry and afraid when he remembered the words "pregnancy could be dangerous" that the doctor said, especially recommending contraception.

The seventh child of Mr. A, who was born that way, fortunately did not have any complications, and it is said that he grew up healthy until he was a 7-year-old boy and was loved by his parents. My income was lost due to childbirth, and I ended up paying unplanned child support.” He sued the doctor for damages.

It was not until two years after the legal proceedings began that the attending physician admitted that the procedure was negligent at the time of the procedure.

Accordingly, the court also ruled that Mr. A had a hard time finding a job due to childbirth and had the right to receive compensation for the anxiety she received while she was aware of the dangers of pregnancy.

Finally, the court recognized the general damages and loss of income and set a compensation of $40,000 (about 47 million won), and paid additional damages of more than $83,000 (about 97 million won) for the cost of raising the child. judged to do so.

This is a 'news pick'.

(Photo=Australia ABC News website capture)