Administrative reform minister Taro Kono, among the four candidates who voted for the ruling LDP president, who will de facto decide the new Japanese prime minister, is leading both in a preference survey of LDP members and general voters.

Kyodo News conducted a telephone poll of 1,028 party members and party members who had the right to vote in the election for the president of the Liberal Democratic Party for two days starting on the 17th, the day when the candidate was registered.

Fumio Kishida, former chairman of the party's political affairs research committee, gained support with 18.5%, and former general secretary Sanae Takaichi received 15.7% of support.

Kyodo News predicted that Kono would get a majority of all party members if this approval rate was maintained until voting, except for the floating class.

In this election for the LDP governor, the candidate who gets a majority (383 or more) out of a total of 764 votes by adding up the same number of party members and party members as the members of the National Assembly, excluding the chairman of the middle and lower chambers, will be elected.