Almost two and a half years after the fire in Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, work on stabilizing and securing the historic building has been completed.

As the authorities in the French capital announced on Saturday, the way is now clear for the actual restoration work.

The security work began on April 16, 2019 - one day after the devastating fire that caused horror around the world.

According to the company commissioned with the maintenance of the structure, the stabilization measures were carried out according to the schedule.

The fused scaffolding has now been dismantled.

In addition, wooden cladding was put in to support the vaults.

Hundreds of oaks were felled for the reconstruction of the medieval wooden roof structure.

French President Emmanuel Macron had originally promised to reopen the cathedral, which was badly damaged after the major fire in 2019, within five years.

However, the pandemic is delaying reconstruction.

A reopening is now planned for the Summer Olympics in Paris in 2024.