In the Uppsala diocese's constituency, which includes Gävleborg's pastorate and parishes, in 2017 19.43 per cent of all eligible voters went to the polls and cast their ballots.

In the church election before that, in 2013, 12.8 percent voted.

In 2017, it was Forsa-Hög parish that had the highest turnout of the parishes and pastorate in Gävleborg.

20.89 percent voted there in the last church election.

Parties with the most votes

In the 2017 election for the Uppsala diocesan council, the Social Democrats received the largest share of the vote, 30.87 percent.

Then came POSK (Non-Partisan in the Church of Sweden) with 17.45 and quite close came the Center Party with 15.19 percent.

In the 2013 election, it was the same parties that received the largest share of the votes in the election to the diocesan council: the Social Democrats with 30.52 percent, the POSK with 16.11 percent and the Center Party with 13.73 percent.

SVT Gävleborg spoke with Christer Johnsson (S) before this year's election and he told more about how the church election works.

Hear him in the video below.

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See Christer Johnsson (S) explain the different choices that are included in the church election. Photo: Bizz Sjöblom / SVT