One afternoon at the end of August, a man who was driving on Narvavägen in Jönköping noticed that another motorist was driving strangely.

The car had been up on the curbs and almost driven into other vehicles.

The witness called the police and then managed to stop the driver, a woman in her 45s.

When the police arrived, they noticed that the woman was very affected by something.

She had difficulty getting out of the car and had poor balance.

Since she did not succeed in blowing in the screening instrument, a blood sample had to be taken, which showed a blood alcohol content of 3.25.

Psychologist by profession

The woman stated that she had been on her way to preschool to pick up her children.

She had just before drunk a bottle of red wine but did not think she felt drunk when she got in the car.

The woman is now charged with aggravated drunk driving and according to the lawsuit, she admits the crime.

Her driver's license was taken care of immediately.